Genre Research ( Princess and the Frog)
The Princess and the Frog, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and published by Walt Disney Pictures, is a 2009 American animated musical fantasy romantic comedy film. The film is based loosely on the novel The Frog Princess by E., the 49th Disney animated feature film. D. Baker, which, in turn, is based on The Frog Prince's Brothers Grimm fairy tale. This animated comedy, with a contemporary spin on a classic story, is set in the great city of New Orleans. Featuring a stunning girl named Tiana, a frog prince who badly wishes to be human again, and a fateful kiss that sends both on a funny journey through Louisiana's mysterious bayous.
I found the princess and the frog very scary upon maturing. The evil villain was one like I have never seen before. Upon realizing that it was not real, and I was not in any real danger from animations, it was beautiful. I thought it taught me so much about people who struggle and their lifestyle. It showed me that hard work and determination was key in life. Many of Disney’s movie surround purely on romance. Although, this does as well it keeps the theme strong throughout. The characters were executed well, and the fantasy animations were so mesmerizing. Elements like transforming and the beauty of the characters is what we are using as a base in or film. Elements of the movie that I did not like was the male character. He angered me very much and the cluelessness of the 2nd female character.
The male lead not having any life skills and being a stuck-up brat did not please me at all. Being a child and first watching this movie I was very angry that the prince initially treated Tiana like that. Also, this movie will be a big nitration to our film because we have similar fantasy transformations. In all this movie was great for the genre of fantasy.
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